
Why do you need a Non Farm report?

The 101,000 non farm or non farm jobs list is a measure of the number of U.S. workers, excluding agricultural workers and workers from several other job classifications. This is measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which studies private and government organizations in the US for their earnings. The BLS shall make public monthly data on off-farm pay through a closely monitored employment report.

In addition to agricultural workers, non-agricultural employment data also do not include certain public officials, households, owners and non-profit-made workers.

Understanding non-farm data

Although the name “Non-agricultural work” indicates that that agricultural workers should be excluded from the statistics, and there are several other categories which the BLS does not take into account when compiling data on non-agricultural reports. According to bls, non-agricultural workers make up about 80% of U.S. business sectors contributing to gross domestic product (GDP). While this represents a significant portion of the U.S. workforce, in addition to agricultural workers, there are some notable exceptions:

State Reporter: The government is a key part of the monthly employment report, but there are government officials who are excluded. The category of public officials includes civil servants. However, this does not include military officials and government appointees. Employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the National Image and Cartography Agency and the Defence Intelligence Agency are also excluded. Households: private households and domestic workers are not accounted for. Owners. Owners are typically business owners who are not related to the company. This applies to individual entrepreneurs and self-employed persons who work without a registered company (e.g. without limited liability status or company status). Nonprofit workers: Although the nonprofit sector is quite large, it is not included in non-agricultural wage statistics.


Non Farm is a measure of the number of employees in the USA, excluding agricultural workers and workers from several other job classifications.

Classification of agricultural jobs does not include agricultural jobs of workers, as well as certain public officials, households, owners and non-profit-made workers.

Employment data outside agriculture is collected by the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) and included in the monthly employment report, which also includes the unemployment rate.

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